Fall Greeting at the mailbox

I need to write down when I plant things so in the event that they actually survive I can rejoice at how long they have made it!!!!!

I think I planted this little japanese maple tree next to the mailbox 8 years ago? It hasn't grown much since then but....it's still here!
A neighbor helped me to prune it last year and it's colors are just gorgeous. It's much smaller and more colorful than the one I have in the backyard (my mom's old tree) but I think it gets much more sunlight.
When I planted it I was afraid it would get so big that it would block my view when pulling out of the driveway...
ha, ha, maybe that'll be the case 35 years from now?!

if it's not choked out by ivy first!

On Veteran's day, 11-11-11,
 an encore azalea flower blossomed on a bush transplanted from my mom's house 8 years ago...
thanks mom, I needed that!


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