Grateful Thursday, Greedy Friday?

So, many of you have heard about the new trend to start Black Friday sales a bit early, like, ON THANKSGIVING...?!
And at one point, I thought maybe I'd go check out why everyone is so excited...
But then I realized that I don't get to see my family and friends that often and that's so much more valuable to me than some heavily discounted gadget that I could probably live without.
If that's what you decided to do, I'm not judging, I just know I don't have the energy or desire to fight crowds for more stuff, especially when I'm in a grateful mode.

I'm so grateful for the things I have and have not. Thankful for this blog as a place to vent, dream, reminisce and share. Grateful for all of you too.

Praying that you are enjoying all the best of the season, no matter what you do!

Here's the Thanksgiving table that I set, using a $6 bouquet of flowers and some pumpkins, squash, cuties and apples from Trader Joes. I covered the table with brown butcher paper and used chalk to write down people and things that I'm thankful for.



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