My Pile of Bricks

My home appeared on HGTV's "What You Get For The Money" 
(Episode 407) in March of 2007.  It was a thrill to do and you can catch a peak right here on my blog. Produced by High Noon Entertainment.

one of my favorite spots, after pollen season ends

the house had 4 bedrooms, but I'm using two as a large home office-den.

my mom's japanese maple, out near the pond.

dining room

clutter-free, clean kitchen, isn't always so.

the butler's pantry was already in place and so were the hardwood floors (just covered over with 60's linoleum), so I re-did them with a white-wash checkerboard pattern. They've yellowed and aged perfectly.

This bathroom is in the process of being renovated, D-I-Y style, with things I've hoarded over the years.
The last of my renovations, it's natural elements are what made me fall in love with the house in the first place...certainly not the color!
 UPDATE: It's Done!


I actually love doing laundry  for 15 cents.

the guest room is a peaceful's going to get some fluffing and TLC soon.
I just try to keep it clean for last minute guests.

The den hasn't been this clean since that picture was taken. It needs to get overhauled too!

the cedar siding and cedar table and chairs are in sore need of some TLC

my fur-child in her bed. She really hammed it up for the camera

master bedroom.

thinking about adding a canopy over the bed with some fabric that I've saved for 18 years!


yes, the chandelier came with the house AND it was already in the bedroom!

master bath (another favorite spot)

yes, now I can actually fit cars in it, but the hoarding tendency continues...

Neighborhood folk walking and at Manchester Arms, 1 block away.

At the time my segment first aired (2007), it was grouped in the $XXX,000 range for "What you can get for the money". 
That was excellent news, considering that's 2.5 times my original purchase price of $XX,000 (even with an additional $XX,000 in renovations over the past 12 years).

However, we all know what has happened in the housing market, particularly in the areas that were hit hardest by foreclosures. In 2009, my house appraised for Much less and I'm sure it has gotten progressively lower. (wish I could say the same for my weight!)

I'm not looking to sell anytime soon, so I guess it doesn't really matter. I just know that I will not be doing any extensive renovations for a while, and since money is tight, even small fix-ups are challenging. 
All of this has caused me to appreciate where I am for the time being, and that's why I was inspired to create this little blog. Truthfully, it's all vapor and dust anyway, and I can't take it with me!

"Count your blessings, name them one by one,
 count your blessings,  see what God hath done!
 count your blessings,  name them one by one, 
 count your many blessings, see what God hath done"


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