A bad mood, $5 and 8 weeks

One Saturday, many weeks ago, I was experiencing a bad mood and decided that I needed some retail therapy. It happened that I only had $10 in my wallet, which turned out to be a good thing...

Instead of traveling 40 minutes to the Ballard Designs outlet for expensively discounted non-refundable things that 'might' work, I thought I might just save some gas and go to the Goodwill store around the corner. Once there, I headed back to the linens department in search of...I'm not quite sure, just something to get me out of a funky mood (I needed prayer but I was too grumpy). When low and behold, I stumbled upon a pair of gorgeous linen drapes with black polka dot trim! They were lined and even though I heavily doubted that they would be long enough, I reached into my purse to pull out my trusty travel tape measure and suddenly let out a squeal of delight! 
Two ladies on the next isle looked at my treasure and said, "Oh, where'd you get those, they are really, really nice!" Still in disbelief, I clutched them a bit tighter and looked around to cover my tracks and check to see if there was something I was missing. Just then, a friend called to catch up on things and I quickly told her I was "on a mission". 
At checkout, those fabulous curtains rang up for $5.50. 
Yes, that's right: FIVE dollars and FITTY cents!
Nothing like a major score to totally change your mood!

Despite my huge bargain and the fact that I was anxious to see how they looked up on the windows, frustrations set in when I realized I neither had the strength, nor the correct hardware to install them. You see, I have STUBBORN plaster walls that are resistant to just any old regular drill bit. After several attempts to put up the curtain rods I felt a case of Tourette's syndrome settling in! I decided to sit ALL of that mess down in order to maintain sanity. Every week night and weekend I struggled to imagine myself up on the ladder with that blasted drill and the pain in my hip (thorn in my side). Weeks went by and all I managed to do was to buy 2 concrete masonry drill bits and lay them in a huge, not so glorious pile of tools.

This weekend while I was off my feet, a friend stopped by to see me. I mentioned some of my undone household projects as a way to excuse my messy pile and he quickly calculated which one he could take care of the quickest. 
Bing-Bang-Boom, there you have it! 
Curtains purchased 8 weeks ago are now in place and look absolutely perfect! 

Thanks to: 
my friend
a bad mood
2+ heavy duty drill bits, screws and anchors
a couple of ?#@*&%!
8 weeks of patience (or laziness)
1 giant Hallelujah!


Source: google.com via glorious on Pinterest



Wendy said…
I felt you this whole story! $5.50! Best day ever!

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