I feel like I've been writing and calling every second since 7am. I've been trying to straighten some things out, fill out some forms, stay positive. I flipped out when my computer slowed down for 5 minutes and I couldn't retrieve a number from my cell phone. What did we ever do without these tech-y things?

The photo above is of my great-grandfather's Remington Noiseless type-writer. It sits next to a pile of unread books in my home office. Some keys are missing, it's covered in dust and weighs about 10 times as much as my macbook pro. But I still like looking at it and imagining what it would be like if we still used it to communicate. I'd probably choose to hand write all of my letters. I have an old fashioned phone too, the kind without voicemail, internet, games, calculator, texting, or apps. Old stuff requires much more patience and creativity.

I'm kind of a sucker for old stuff: Old houses, old cars, old furniture, old pictures, old memories.

This photo is from 1904 of my great, and great-great grandfather (the previous owner of the Remington Noiseless).

yes, I have a houndstooth obsession, also! But I've already changed to the transitional spring/summer purse and put the winter scarf in a winter pile.


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