Sweepin' the clouds away...

Sunny day...
sweepin' the clouds away,

on my way to where the air is sweet...
Can you tell me how to get,
how to get to Sesame Street?
Come and play,
everything's a-okay.

Friendly neighbors there,
that's where we meet
Can you tell me how to get,
how to get to Sesame Street?
It's a magic carpet ride...
every door will open wide
to happy people like you, 
happy people like,
what a beautiful
Sunny day...

sweepin' the clouds away,
on my way to where the air is sweet...
Can you tell me how to get,
how to get to Sesame Street...?
how to get to Sesame Street...
how to get to Sesame Street...

No, I didn't get latrine duty! 
I got a new coat and it's been raining too hard to wear it this week so I thought I'd model it in the ladies room! Goes great with my rainy day gear of bold waterproof patterns, but this military style coat with brassy buttons actually needs to be taken in already (especially at the waist). 
I found it on sale and the only size that they had was a Large, but it was such a good deal and the perfect color for me sooooooooo, I just had to break down and get it!

                                        Here's a much more expensive version from J Crew

J Crew coat
This is from a post about coats that I made back in December called,

                                                                My New Coat is from The Bilt-House

I snapped this photo at Macy's, I think it's a Calvin Klein.


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