Backyard Get-away?!

I'm cleaning house today!
(well, I've put a 2 hour time limit on it) Finished my mid-term grades, taxes and bagged up my shoes that need repairing.
With a fresh brewed cup of joe firmly in hand, I flung open the doors to get a fresh breath of air...
then I had a thought...wouldn't it be great to have a little art studio/get-away place in the backyard? 
I want a pergola type area out near the pond (after it's brought back to life) but a little airstream trailer might be a nice guest house/studio/get-away. 
Yes, I am daydreaming again...
helps to take my mind off the more complicated things 
(LOOK, something shiny!)

A tiny art studio like this might not be bad up on the grassy knoll, but I'd be afraid it would be covered in bugs and snakes!

Source: via glorious on Pinterest

Source: via glorious on Pinterest

and a little larger

A little Ritzier

         I've talked about tiny houses before, which I thought would be a great idea near the beach 
just in my backyard on the grassy knoll overlooking the pond:

Cute for the backyard, sure, 
but I kinda like the idea of taking it with me!

                                        Just daydreaming!




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